asking us for generous consideration re Woods but no action was taken. Cooke The Secretary reported that Cooke was prepared to sign at 20/- per week if he were allowed a ferry contract & the privilege of training at night. Resolved he be granted these terms. Use of An application for the use of the practice Ground Ground in July was declined owing to the alterations. Dividend The Secretary was instructed to intimate that all dividend cheques must be honoured before July 1st. Lochgelly The Secretary reported the receipt United of certified copy of telegram from F.C. Lochgelly shewing the word "eighty" also that he had as yet received no reply to his offer of £25. Winterhalder The Secretary reported having made an Appointment with the West Ham FC for the 31st inst. at Holborn Rest. at 4 pm. Mr. G. Bowler the Co. Auditor attended and discussed the arrangements for Monday's meeting. Mr. R. Wilson enquired if any persons had become Shareholders within 3 months