The estimates to be :- North Stand South Stand Entrance Total Henshaw & Sons 7217.0.0 6923.0.0 2061.0.0 16201.0.0 Travis & Wevill 7100.0.0 6800.0.0 2400.0.0 16300.0.0 Roberts & Robinson Morrison Sons 7423.0.0 7009.0.0 2119.0.0 16551.0.0 Thornton & Sons 7549.0.0 7179.0.0 2065.0.0 16793.0.0 Brown & Backhouse7731.0.0 7448.0.0 2182.0.0 17361.0.0 Jones & Sons 7890.0.0 7600.0.0 2275.0.0 17765.0.0 Saml Webster 8078.0.0 7767.0.0 2369.0.0 18214.0.0 It was resolved that the North Stand be for the present eliminated from the contracts whereupon Mr. Davies proposed Mr. Wade seconded and it was resolved that the estimate of Messrs Henshaw & Sons be accepted also. That Mr. Harrison be appointed Clerk of works and that Mr. Hartley prepare the necessary contracts and that it be a stipulation that the whole of the work or at any event the whole of the Ground floor portion thereof be completed on or before August 16th. Lofthouse The Secretary reported a request by Lofthouse for a months salary in advance & he was instructed to make the best arrangement with him & to tell him to look for another appointment. The meeting then stood adjourned to Friday at 3.30.