12 declining to stand for election to the directorate. J. S. Smith The Secretary having reported that having agreed with Burnley for the League transfer of this Workington player at £40, Workington had written asking £75 & it was resolved that, as Smith was nearly 26 years of age, nothing further be done. Tranmere It was resolved that the Board Rovers F. C. receive the deputation from Tranmere Rovers F. C. on Friday at 3.30 at the Bradford Hotel. Lancs Comb. The Secretary was appointed to Ann'l. Mtg. represent the Club. League The Secretary reported that our Enquiry explanations as to playing weak teams & late start on April 27 were accepted And that the Manchester United F. C. Compensation had been awarded £329.4.11. in respect see fo16 of postponed fixture & cheque was ordered to be sent. Checkogram The Secretary was instructed to pay Checkogram £80 half years rent due April 1 in advance. Tenders The tenders for alteration to the ground for Alterations stands &c. were opened and shewed:—