D. Wilson The Secretary reported having written to
the F. A. re D. Wilson & that they had
replied that D. Wilson was registered
for Portsmouth F. C. on the 11th inst.
G. Wilson The Secretary reported that G. Wilson
had called to-day to ascertain our reason
for reporting him to the F. A. & that he
had replied that being desirous of his
services we would not transfer him :
the Secretary having reported that G.
Wilson had made certain threats
he was instructed to write G. Wilson that
we could not agree to his transfer.
Birnie The Secretary having reported that an
application by Birnie for the reduction
of his transfer fee (£50) was to be heard
by the League today & that he had
asked Dr. Baxter to deal with the matter
his action was confirmed.
Jno Sharp A letter of apology from Jno Sharp to
Mr. Bainbridge was read & Mr.
Bainbridge having intimated his
acceptance there of was requested to
express to Sharp the satisfaction of the
Directors at his action in so apologising.
Lochgelly The Secretary read letter from Lochgelly
United & reported that he was pursuing the
Mr. G. Mitchell The Secretary read Mr. G. Mitchell's letter.