3 That the balance of £2 owing by S. Strettle be written off to Wages a/c and the sum of £20 owing by Tranmere Rovers F. C. to Bonus a/c. 4 That the statement of a/cs Balance sheet and Profit & Loss a/c be approved. 5 That the stock of materials clothing & stores be not taken into a/c this year & that in future the amount expended in connection with this a/c be written off each year against Income & Expenditure a/c. Resolved that the Auditors to the Company be instructed to take control of the a. Admission of shareholders to the Annual meeting b. The distribution of voting papers and the counting of votes and that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance. Resolved that the Annual meeting of the Shareholders be held at the Exchange Hotel on Monday May 27th 1907 at 8 p.m. The Secretary read proof of notice convening the Annual meeting and of the order for admission to such meeting and same were approved. It was reported that Proxies must be deposited at the Company’s office at least 72 hours before the Annual Meeting.