[Emergency Meeting of Directors held at The Bradford Hotel April 29th 1907.] Present Geo. Mahon Esq. Chair Messrs Bainbridge Baxter Clayton Davies Kelly Wade Whitford Wilson Switzerland The Secretary reported a. That our offer to play matches at Geneva on May the 5th and Chaux de Fonds on May 12th for a fee of £120 had been accepted by wire. b. That Thos. Cook & Son had estimated the cost of the tour approximately at £21 per head. C. That several of the players for whom the tour had been intended had expressed their unwillingness to go whilst others were indifferent. It was thereupon unanimously resolved that the proposed tour be cancelled & that in lieu thereof the players be taken away for special training during the first 10 days in August. G. Wilson The Secretary reported having written D. Wilson offering the limit wage to G. Wilson & he was instructed to go to Scotland and