was confirmed.
The Secretary reported the receipt of two
further notifications of injuries on that day.
Clark The Secretary was instructed to ascertain
what Bristol Rovers remaining engagements
Curzons The Secretary reported that Sheffield
Wednesday had declined Curzons offer to
them & the Secretary was instructed to
notify Curzons that we could have nothing
to do with their offer.
The Secretary read United's reply to our
conditional offer of the 22nd inst.
McLaughlin Dr. Baxter's offer to Preston North End to
accept £75 for the transfer of 10th Mc
Laughlin was confirmed.
The Secretary's action in retaining 40 5/-
tickets instead of 33 for the Final Tie
was confirmed.
Resolved that no ladies be invited to
the Final at the expense of the club.
The Secretary was instructed to send a
letter of condolence to Fred Rouse on his
Hughes Resolved that this left half back of
Chester be seen.