Director to S'port Dr. Baxter to St. Helens W. R. Clayton on gate 29th Mr. Wilson 30th Mr. Whitford Chadwick attended & was reprimanded for his inattention to training. Finlay's estimate of £14.8.0 for framing 24 photograph was accepted. The Secretary was instructed to ask for 35 Complimentary tickets for the final. The Secretary was instructed to purchase 33 tickets at 5/- each. It was decided to discuss the question of away training for the Final with the team before deciding. Resolved that in the event of a French Tour being arranged that the players wives be invited. Next meeting Tuesday after match. Application for the use of the Ground by Mersey Docks & Harbour Board L'pool & Dist. Volunteer A.F. League were declined Application by Mrs. Towers for permission to collect on the ground on the 30th inst. for the L'pool