Dr. Whitford reported his visit to Scotland and it was resolved. a/ That his offer of £325 to the Hearts of Midlothian F.C. for the transfer of Couper & £10 & £4 per week to the player be confirmed. b/ That his action in signing Rafferty at £2 per week during May, June & July & £3 for remainder of year with a bonus of £10 be confirmed. c/ That his action in arranging for Adamson of Lochgelly to come on trial with a promise of reasonable recompense to his club if he proved satisfactory be confirmed. The following teams were selected L'pool Sunderland S'port C. St. Helens Accrington Scott do Sloan do do Balmer W. do Strettle do do do R. do Crelley Stevenson do Makepeace do Black do do Taylor Booth Booth Chadwick do Abbott do Chadwick Donaldson do Sharp Donnachie Rafferty do Donnachie Settle Bolton Graham do do Young do Rouse Jones do Wilson Settle Cook Rouse do Hardman Wilson Butler do do Bury Res. Sloan, Strettle, Crelley, Chadwick, Booth, Donaldson, Rafferty, Thomas, Jones, Cook, Donnachie, T. Booth reserve on Good Friday.