52,464. That by a mistake the men at stiles Nos. 33 & 34 charged 6d instead of 1/- & that before same was discovered 44 persons had passed through No.34 & 24 through No.33 making a difference 12/- of £1.2.0 & 12/- respectively. He was instructed to send the F. A. cheque for £87.5.0 : 5 per cent on the gross Gate. Team v Scott Bolton W. & R. Balmer (replay) Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp Settle Young Wilson Hardman All other players to be invited. The Directors at Bolton to select the teams for Saturday. Resolved that the players book their own seats at the Theatre on Thursday night not over 5/-. Director to Bolton Mr. Clayton (Combination Match). Directors to League International. Scotland Messrs Bainbridge & Baxter. Also Mr. Kirkwood if he wish. The Drs. report was read. Mr. Kirkwood's action in going to Scotland