Workshops The Secretary read an application for for Blind assistance & he was instructed to offer facilities for a collection : a proposal to make them a donation was deferred to next meeting. Alterations The Ground Committee were deputed to to ground &c. appoint a Sub Committee to consult with Mr. Hartley Architect with a view to the preparation of plans of suggested alteration to ground stands &c. for future submission to the Directors. The Secretary was instructed to notify Police that we could not grant them the use of the ground this Summer. Next meeting Friday at 6.30. The Secretary was instructed to arrange for a Band for the Cup tie. The Secretary read letter of thanks from the Cheshire F.A. Referees Committee. Betting The Secretary read letter from the Head Constable re betting & he was instructed to arrange for notices to be posted on the ground. Nomads The use of the ground was granted to the Nomads for the 28th Feb. E. Roberts The Secretary read an application for a free transfer : he was instructed to reply