coat at Saturday's game. Instructed to make best settlement. That a Mr. Scarffe demanded the return of 2/- deferred for a fortnight. That he had refunded 6d to Mr. Stewart Lloyd and That he had refunded 19/- to Mr. Moreton who tendered £1 at stile 22 & did not wait for change: corroborated by gateman. A tender for 7 plate glass windows for £3 10/- less 2½% by J. Lewis was read & the Secretary was instructed to obtain any. Tel. Address The Secretary was instructed to renew the Tel. add. for 21/- for 1907. The Secretary reported the receipt of rugs from Sir A. L. Jones. Frame for Photo The Secretary was instructed to obtain tenders for photo frame from Finlays & Newtons. Davies o/R (Wrexham) and Bytheway I/R Wrexham were recommended as good players. John Davies