Team v Scott Villa W. & R. Balmer Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp Bolton Young Wilson Hardman Reserve Settle Atherton Sloan Strettle Crelley Black Booth Chadwick Donnachie Graham Jones Rouse Butler Dror. to Bgham Dr. Whitford " on Gate Mr. Wilson Burgess Resolved that we recommend that Fund £20 be given to the Stanley Hospital and the balance to the Hospital Sunday Fund. Next mtg. Tuesday at 3 pm at Bradford Hotel. Police Resolved that Dr. Whitford & the Secy. see Suptt. Tomlinson on the question of police duties at Goodison Park. Having regard to the inconvenience caused by overcrowding on the pavilion it was resolved that the Secretary be instructed to notify the directors that the maximum number of tickets to be issued by each director is six. The Secretary reported that Mr. Greig claimed for damages to his