[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Jany. 22nd 1907.] Present G. Mahon Esq. Chair Messrs Bainbridge Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of the last 2 meetings were read, confirmed and signed. Checkogram The Secretary reported that the Checkogram was inaccurate on Saturday in two gates only. The Secretary produced receipt for the purchase of £1717.17.3 Consols at 87 3/16 on the 16th inst. at the price (including brokerage of 1/8 %) of £1500 in the names of Messrs Mahon, Bainbridge, and the Secretary & the same was approved. Smoker Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly, Wilson & the Secretary were appointed a Subcommittee to make the arrangements for the Smoker & the Secy. was instructed to have envelopes made for the photos. The draft invitation was read & approved. Rafferty The Secretary read letter from Mr. Christie & he was instructed to pay him 30/- expenses.