Cup tie Resolved that the Secretary ascertain if West Ham were prepared to play their cup tie here & if so on what terms & if necessary call a meeting of the Board. Smoker Resolved that the Shareholders Smoker be held at the Bears Paw on Feby. 4 & that the Committee appointed make the necessary arrangements. Transfer of W. J. Ritchie to Thomas Murphy Shares 469 partly paid and 2386 fully pd. fee pd. passed. Rafferty The Secretary read letter from Mr. Ritchie hereon & he was instructed to ascertain what expenses Mr. Ritchie had incurred. Geo Robey An application from Mr. G. Robey for the services of Hardman & Makepeace was read & declined. Taylor The Secretary’s action in sending copy of League Report to the F.A. hereon was confirmed & Taylor's explanation read. Photographs The Secretary read Mr. Gregson's letter of the 10th inst. & his suggestions were adopted. Old Photo The Secretary read letter from Chief Reporter of Everton team of Courier offering on Mr. Lindsay's behalf a photo of a former Everton team & the acceptance thereof was deferred until next meeting.