Reports The Doctors report was read. The trainers made their reports. The League & Combination games were reported. The deputation to Crystal Palace report that Wallace should be seen again. Mr. Bainbridge & the Secretary were deputed to have a conference with the players. Team v Scott Sheffield W. W. & R. Balmer Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp Bolton Young Wilson Hardman Teams for Xmas matches to be selected on Saturday after match. Directors on Dec. 22 Mr. Bainbridge Gates 25 Mr. Wilson & Mr. Davies 26 Mr. Kelly 27 Dr. Whitford Directors with 25 Messrs Kirkwood & Whitford teams 26 Mr. Wilson 25 L'pool The Secretary was requested to lay a monthly statement on table. Next meeting After game on Saturday. The Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Fletcher as to changing date Woolwich away fixture.