v Nelson Sloan Strettle Crelley Black Booth Chadwick Donnachie Rouse Jones D. Wilson Bulter Director on Gate - Mr. Wilson. do to Nelson Mr. Wade. DePledge The Secretary read letter from DePledge & it was resolved that his salary be increased to 30/- per week. Rafferty The Secretary's action in asking for further particulars of this player was confirmed. Black Park F.c. The Secretary read a letter from the Secy. asking for a donation for the widow & 4 children of a player of this club who was killed whilst playing on Saturday last & it was resolved that a grant of £5.5.0 be made. Tranmere R. The report of last match was read. An invitation to the Cheshire Referees Assocn. for Decr. 22 was extended. Gate Statemt. The Secretary submitted a statement of receipts & expenses of Saturday last with those of the corresponding games & dates last season: also Bank statement. Sir A. L. Jones The Secretary read letter from Sir A. L. Jones offering us 24 rugs & it was resolved that