Transfers of H. J. H. Shaw to J. Ford Shares 2 @ 15/- Nos. 489 & 490 1 fully paid No. 2312 F. A. Leather to J. E. Taggart 1 @ 15/- No. 2056 passed Signed Dec. 4 1906 Geo. Mahon [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Decr. 4th 1906] Present Geo. Mahon Esq. Chair Messrs. Bainbridge Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read confirmed and signed. Simpson The Secretary reported the non receipt of reply to his enquiry. Checkogram The Secretary reported the continuance of discrepancies & read a letter from that Co. of the 30th inst. Photos The Secretary reported that Mr. Gregson