Team v Scott
Birmingham W. Balmer R. Balmer
Makepeace Taylor Abbott
Sharp Bolton Young Settle Wilson
v Darwen Sloan
Strettle Crelley
Black Chadwick Donaldson
Donnachie Rouse Jones Wilson Butler
Dirors. to Darwen Messrs Wilson.
" on Gate Mr. Kelly.
Stark's The Secretary having read further letters
benefit from Mr. MacAndrew he was instructed
to express regret at our inability to send
up a team.
Old Xs The Secretary read letter of thanks from
the Old Xs F.C.
Sharrock The Secretary was instructed to ask
Tranmere to give Sharrock a trial.
Mr. Hallmark wrote strongly recommending
the Berry's centre Half.
An application by the L'pool Elementary
Schools F. A. for use of our ground on
Dec. 24th or 27th was declined.
The Secretary read wire & letter from Hon
A. Stanley re the visit of H. R. H. the
Prince of Wales to L'pool.