was ordered to place himself at once under a local doctor. The trainers made their reports. The report from Tranmere was read. The Secretary submitted a statement of Gate receipts & expenses of Saturday last with comparisons of last seasons games. Donnachie The Secretary reported the refusal of Jos Donnachie to sign for Bury. Wallace The Secretary further reported re Wallace. Simpson The Secretary was instructed to write Falkirk re Simpson. Makepeace The Secretary's letter to the F.A. hereon was approved. It was resolved that those Directors at liberty to go to Sheffield on Monday next do so. The Secretary was instructed to hurry Mr. Gregson on with further proofs as requested. A full meeting of the Board to consider ground alterations was convened for 2.30 on Decr. 6th. The Secretary was instructed to sound the League team as to going away over Xmas. The Secretary was instructed to call in all complimentary tickets to players & issue others for 3/- stand in lieu thereof. Resolved that all players complimentary tickets be shown at turnstile entrance.