Jerseys The Stores Committee were recommended to obtain white wool jerseys with blue neck bands & cuffs as a change Jersey. Gate rects The Secretary submitted a statement of receipts & expenses of last Saturday's game comparing same with the corresponding games of last season. Old Xs The Secretary submitted statement of receipts & expenses of our game with Old Xaverians showing the share due to them (as half net gate) of £4.15.3 & cheque was ordered to be sent them. Motion Mr. Kirkwood gave notice to move that the whole receipts be sent to them. Leeds City Letter of thanks for donation to the D Wilson fund was read also one from Newsboy's Charity for use of ground on Dec 26. Accrington The Secretary read letter as to length Stanley of term as to subsidy & he was instructed to reply that the same covered last season only. The Secretary read letter of thanks from the English Schools F. A. for the use of our ground. Checkogram The Secretary reported that the Checkogram was substantially correct on Saturday last & that the Co. were pressing on