signed by that club (1) That they would transfer H. Burgess in exchange & (2) that if H. Burgess did not sign for us then the fee of £600 became payable. He also reported his interview with Burgess & that player having promised another club would not sign for us; that City hoped to be able to effect his transfer to us & having given us his League transfer it was resolved a/ that the transfer of P. Hill be confirmed and b/ that we do not in the meantime require the payment of the transfer fee of £100. The Secretary read a letter of appreciation from Hill & he was instructed to suitably acknowledge same. Lee Jones Fund The Secretary reported that the collections herein would be taken next Saturday & read a letter of thanks for the privilege. Reports The Drs. report was read & the Secy. was instructed to take Makepeace to see Dr. Broad. The trainers made their reports. The League & Combination games were reported. The Tranmere Rovers report was read & the Secretary instructed to ask them to play Gilbertson. Theobald Theobald of Woolwich was reported to be a first class Half back.