was approved & a ground Committee meeting was called for that day & hour. The Secretary was instructed to obtain curtains for the windows of his room & to have a small table fitted. Checkogram The Secretary reported that there was a continuance of the discrepancies between the Checkogram & registers & that neither were working perfectly & he was instructed to call the Cos. attention to same. The Secretary reported that the Grand Hotel had reduced their charge by 13/6. West Bromw The Secretary reported that the Bill of A re Rankin £125 given by West Bromwich Albion had now matured, it was resolved that all Bills & cheques shall be endorsed by the Secretary. Assessment The Secretary submitted statement to Income tax for 1906/7 showing profit to be £5586.4.10 :- Balance 5198.14.7 Apl. 30 1905 5198.14.7 Interest on Wge 110.15.9 Reserve for Tour 170 Income tax 106.14.6 ----------------- 5586. 4.10 1905/6 2445.16.10 1904/5 2231. 1.8 1903/4 ----------------- 3/ 10263.3. 4 -----------------