Report The Drs. report was read. The Trainers made their reports. The League & Combination games were reported. Team v Scott Sheffield U. Balmer Crelley Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp Bolton Young Wilson Hardman Reserves R. Balmer, Booth, Settle. Diror. on Gate Dr. Whitford. v Villa Res. Sloan Stevenson R. Balmer Black Booth Chadwick Donnachie Graham Jones Cook Butler Diror. to Brum One of the deputation to Stourbridge Barker also to go to check gates. The Secretary read Letter from Hill as to change of address. Letter from Blackpool that our share of Cup tie receipts amounted to £15.2.4 with cheque. Letter from F. A. that our explanation re Derby was accepted. Letter from H. P. Hardman desiring to retire, after next Saturday, temporarily from Football to prepare for his Examn. From Tranmere Rovers reporting game on Octr. 13. From Revd. T. Hughes wishing to know if we would sell 300/350 sq. yds. of land portion