rent in advance - less three weeks as agreed (£80 less £9.4.8) be sent. The Secretary reported the receipt and contents of letter from the Co. dated Octr. 15th & that the apparatus worked correctly on Octr. 13th. Investment The Secretary reported that of Funds a. The purchase of £3463.1.10 2½ % Consolidated Stock at 86½ Comn. 1/8 %. b. The payment of £3000 therefor. c. That Stock had been placed in the names of Messrs Mahon, Bainbridge & Cuff the Chairman, Vice Chairman & Secretary respectively. d. He had instructed that the Dividend Warrants were to be made payable to the Secretary. This was confirmed & approved & the Chairman, Vice Chairman & Secretary were instructed to sign the instruction referred to in paragraph (d) above. Belfast Messrs Baxter & Whitford reported their visit to Belfast & on Young's display whereupon it was resolved that nothing further be done in the matter. J. Sharp The Secretary was instructed to enquire from J. Sharp as to the truth in the report of his retirement from football at the end of the Season. Medals The Secretary reported his application