Saturday next at Belfast. Medals The Secretary was instructed to order from Vaughtons 29 Gold medals at 90/- each of the pattern 7223 slightly modified. The Secretary was instructed to have the telephonic communication with the dressing rooms arranged by a separate instrument. Reserve game The Secretary was instructed to close with Stockport County Res. for Oct. 20 on best Confirm Villa terms. Barlow The Secretary reported his promise to give Barlow a trial on Novr. 3 but he was instructed to arrange for a trial in an easier game. Smoker The Secretary was instructed to ascertain from Mr. Gregson when the photos would be ready. The Sec. read a letter from a Canadian Supporter who wished to buy a photo & it was resolved to send him one & deal with other requests of a similar nature as they arose. It was however resolved that no reproduction of such photograph on postcards be permitted. Hospital Saty. Resolved the Secretary be again nominated Commie.