Corporal Walden This players was spoken of very favorably. Checkogram The Secretary read draft of fresh Agreement agreement sent for approval and subject to alterations to clauses 2, 5 the same was approved. F.A. re The Secretary read letter from the F.A. Derby also his draft reply which latter was approved & ordered to be sent. The Secretary read letter from Joe Turner for a reduced transfer fee & same was reduced to £25. The alteration of Kick off on Monday from 5.15 to 5 pm was approved. An application by Sloan for permission to go to Ireland this weekend was granted subject to his return in time for Monday's match if required. Transfers Maxwell Dodd to T. J. Farrell of shares 4 15/- shares 244 to 247 & 2253 (20/-) F. C. Ashworth to R Woods 3 (15/-) shares 972 - 4 passed. A letter was read from G. Thomas Painter but no action was taken. O'Hagan The Secretary reported the receipt of £100 from Middlesbro on a/c of O'Hagan's transfer fee.