Burgess		The Secretary was instructed to write to
		Manchester City re Burgess.

Photograph	The Secretary was instructed to arrange
		an appointment for next week & to invite
		Mr. H. Wright.

Thomas		The Secretary reported that W. Thomas had
		signed for us at 25/- per week & this was
		He was instructed to offer Gilbertson
		Norris Pinfold & Milner 10/- per week each
		and to arrange for a trial for Yates with
		Tranmere Rovers.

Transfer of	B. A. Fowler to A. Fowler
Shares		3 shares (15/-) 1240 & 1241 & 968
		Jas Scrimiger to R. J. Scrimiger
		1 (20/-) no 2400 & 8 (15/-) 653 to 660.

		It was resolved that Mr. F. Kirkham be
		invited to be photographed with the
		Cup Team.
						Geo. Mahon