Threlfalls The Secretary read reply from the Secretary Complimentary to Threlfalls Co. Ltd. and whilst same was considered unsatisfactory it was resolved that Five Complimentary tickets be issued to such members of the Co. as Mr. J. Sunter may select. Johnstone The Secretary reported the non receipt of a reply to his letter to 3rd L.R.V. F.C. & he was instructed to do nothing in the matter meantime. Practice Scott Match 2nd Balmer W. Crelley Blues Makepeace Taylor Abbott sharp Bolton Young Settle Hardman Stripes Sloan Hill Stevenson Black Chadwick Donaldson Donnachie Graham Jones D. & G. Wilson Failing Makepeace Booth " Sharp Donnachie & Jones O/R & Dorward centre. Next meeting Monday after game. "Passing hour" The Secretary was instructed to pay the Column Courier 21/- for pars for coming season. A. Young The Secretary reported that A. Young had applied for a benefit & the consideration thereof was deferred.