[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park August 16th 1906] Present G. Mahon Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Clayton Davies Kirkwood Whitford Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Lofthouse The Secretary reported his visit to Blackburn to see Lofthouse, that Lofthouse was slowly recovering from his illness & hoped to be able to resume his duties at the end of next week. Motion re Dr. Baxter proposed & it was unanimously Lofthouse resolved to rescind the resolution as to increase of salary to Lofthouse with liberty for him to reapply on his return to work. Band Resolved that we engage a Band for special occasions only. Dr. Whitford reports the private practice match: the local trial of tonight was discussed & it was decided to have another trial match on Tuesday evening. R. Balmer's ankle was reported weak. Referees for Messrs Langford & Lloyd for Saturday Practice games and Monday respectively.