any alterations in the Checkogram apparatus rendered necessary by such altered position be executed by Checkogram Ltd. free of cost to us. Extra turnstilesThe Secretary was instructed to order 12 See Watson additional turnstiles from Ellisons & to arrange with them as to the price thereof without registers & for such registers if we should in the future require same. Pass outs The question of turnstiles for pass out gates was discussed & it was resolved that for the present 3 pass out gates on the 6d side only be installed & that tickets (pass out) be continued on the 1/- 2/- & 3/- stands. Subject thereto the draft agreement was approved. Strettell Resolved that as Strettell had lost his situation he be paid an increase of 5/- per week he to be at liberty to obtain employment. Office boy The Secretary was instructed to tell Edwin to look for another place. Band The question of a Band was ordered for discussion at next meeting. Transfer of Shares Wm. Hy. Harrison to Ellen Mary Wade 1 20/- share 2282 & 4 15/- shares 1102/5 passed. Corinthians The Secretary reported that he had arranged for the Corinthians to play us here on Decr. 27 on half gross gate terms - approved -