The Secretary was instructed to ask Sharp and Makepeace to attend here for the first practice game (public). Lofthouse An application for an increase of salary by Lofthouse was read & it was resolved that he be paid 50/- weekly: his engagement to be a weekly one: to bring his wife to reside with him in Liverpool as per his application & that Messrs Kelly, Kirkwood & Secretary acquaint him with the displeasure of the Board at his frequent inattention to his duties & to point out to him what his duties are. Queen Victoria An application for donation was read Home & the Secretary was instructed to express regret at our inability to give same. Wm. Clay The Secretary reported the receipt of an application by Wm. Clay late of Leeds City & Sheffield United for a trial & that he had written these clubs. Checkogram The Secretary reported that on Friday last he received a letter re a system & checking turnstiles & that Mr. Kelly & he attended a demonstration of the apparatus with the result that they had arranged for the exhibitor to attend this meeting. The gentleman then demonstrated the working of the apparatus to the Board & having intimated that he was prepared to instal the apparatus to 39 turnstiles, to provide necessary electrical