Reports The Doctor's report was read. The trainer's made their reports. The League & Combination games were reported. Team v Forest & Scott, Bury (away) R Balmer, Crelley, Taylor, Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Makepeace, Young, Settle, Hardman, Reserve McLaughlin. Bury (Home 26th) To be selected on Saturday or & Earlstown away Monday. Bury Reserve Collins Wildman, Wright, Black, Chadwick, Donaldson, Birnie, Rankin, Dilly, Cook, Grundy. Rovers Reserve Collins, W. Balmer, Hannan, Black, Chadwick, Donaldson, Birnie, Rankin, Dilly, Cook, Grundy. Nottingham The team to travel on Friday. Directors to Messrs Mahon & Bainbridge. Notts to Bury Messrs Davies & Whitford. Earlstown Dr. Baxter. Xmas boxes The Secretary was instructed to give Xmas boxes on similar lines to last year.