Plymouth A. The Secretary reported that he had cancelled the proposed visit to Plymouth. Mr. Wade having introduced his motion it was resolved. a. That a musical social evening be arranged for an evening in October & that invitations thereto be sent to the Shareholders. b. That the cup team be photographed by Mr. R. P. Gregson and that a copy be presented to each shareholder. Messrs Bainbridge, Davies, Wade & Wilson were appointed a sub committee to carry the matter through. Bowser The Secretary reported his visit to Birmingham & that Bowser desired to play in that district next season but that he would come & play for us in March & April & give us first refusal of his services as a professional then. Twist The Secretary read further letter from Lively Polly F.C. re Twist. Article The Secretary reported his attendance 3a at the Solicitors to sign a copy of the Extraordinary resolution for filing with the Registrar of Joint Stock Cos. Asbury The Secretary was instructed to send a Richmond F.C. cheque for £2.2.0 to the funds of this club