		Mr. Wilson proposed Mr. Worthy seconded
		& it was resolved that the heartiest
		thanks be accorded the Directors
		officials & players for their services.
		The Chairman acknowledged same
		& declared the meeting over.
						Geo. Mahon.

[Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders held at
		the Exchange Hotel Monday May 28 1906]

		Mr. Mahon presiding.

		The Secretary read the notice convening
		the meeting.

		It was proposed & seconded


			That the Articles of Association of the Company be altered
		by the insertion therein immediately after Article 3 of the following
		Article, namely:—

			3A No person not being a retiring Director shall be eligible for election
			   to the office of Director at any General Meeting, unless he, or some
			   other member intending to propose him, has, on or before the 1st
			   day of May in the year in which such General Meeting is held, left
			   at or sent to the Registered Office of the Company, a Notice in
			   Writing, duly signed, stating the full name and address of the
			   candidate, and either signifying his candidature for the office, or
			   the intention of such member to propose him, in which latter case
			   the name and address of the proposer and seconder shall also be
			   stated in such notice.

		upon being put to the meeting the