[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel May 25th 1904] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon, Whitford & Wright. Statement of The Secretary presented draft statement A/cs of Balce Sheet &c. of Income & Expenditure Profit & Loss a/c & Balance Sheet & the Auditor having explained same to the Directors the following resolutions were passed viz :- 1. That the amounts due from Sundry Drs be valued, for the purposes of the Balance Sheet at £442.7.9 and be shown in one sum in the Balance Sheet under the head of "Sundry Debtors". 2. That a depreciation of 10% be written off ground stands hoardings and erections amounting to £375.15.2 and off office fixtures and implements amounting to £5.10.0. 3. That the statement of accounts Balance Sheet and profit and loss a/c be approved Annual Resolved that the Annual Meeting of the Meeting shareholders be fixed for the most convenient day if June 2nd week at 8 o'clock at Law Association Rooms or Exchange Holel. The transfer of Wolstenholme to Blackburn Rovers at £600 was confirmed. The engagement of Caldwell at 50/- per week & a bonus of £5 was confirmed. Minutes The minutes of last three meetings and of the Advertising Committee were read & approved. Templeton The Secretary was instructed to write Q. Park re Templeton Whitley The question of advance was deferred.