[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel May 17th 04] Present J. Davies Esq. (Chair) Messrs Clayton, Coates, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon, Whitford & Wright. Reports Messrs Kelly, Kirkwood & the Sec. reported their visit to Scotland that Adams (£500) was not considered good enough. Kennedy wouldn't come Thorburn they had engaged at £10 down 50/- in summer, 70/- in winter that we would endeavour to get him a light situation that Black was left over for the moment their report & engagement were confirmed. Caldwell The Sec. read letter from Elliott re & Black Caldwell & a wire re Black & Mr. Kirkwood & the Secy. were deputed to go North tonight & endeavour to secure them. Reps. to Dr. Baxter & Messrs Clayton & Mahon Bgham. were deputed to visit Bgham. re Bonus. Lpool & Mr. Wright was nominated to Distr. represent the club. Combn Ann Messrs Davies & Wright were deputed Meeting to attend. Cox This matter was referred to the advertising Committee. The Secretary was instructed to pay Dr. Wright's salary £40. Whitley This players attended & in the absence of any good reason for his requiring it the directors could not advance him £50 on a/c of his wages. The Secy read line from Manchester City re Compensation