F. J. Cox The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr.Cox to meet the joint advertising committee. S. B. Ashworth The Secretary reported on this matter and that Stoke had intimated that they would require Ashworth's reasons for wishing to leave before they would consent to his transfer. Bone. J. The Secretary read letter from Lincoln City F.C. asking the price of this players transfer and he was instructed to accept twenty pounds. Manchester The Secretary was instructed to endeavour City to arrange with manchester city to alter their fixture at Goodison Park from April 23rd to Dec 25th & to offer them £25 consideration. Adjd. Annual The Secretary was instructed to attend this meeting Lanc Combn meeting at Bolton on Thursday next. Nomination Resolved that Mr. Clayton be nominated but for Mgmt Cte that it be withdrawn if in opposition to Mr. J. McKenna of Liverpool F.C. Referee Resolved that the name of J. McGill be given as Referee for the Lanc. Combination. Buxton F. C The Secretary repoted the receipt of £ 10 on a/c of £15 owing. Preston N. E. The Secretary reported that the payment of £50 the transfer fee for J. Bell was promised on the return of the director from holidays. Everton v Rovers Mr. Clayton made his report on the second sitting of the Commission. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Wall that the club are to bear their own expenses in connection with the enquiry. Resolved the following a/cs be paid A Young £3.2.6 and W. Henderson £ 2.10.0. Combination It was reported that an arrangement had matches with L.pool been made with Liverpool to play these matches