[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park May 3rd 1904] Present G. Mahon Esq. (chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. The Secretary reported his interview with O'Hagan & that he had received no reply to his letter to Wolstenholme. Whitley Resolved that we offer to retain 20/- per week out of Whitley's wages & pay same into a bank to his wife's a/c. Mortgage Resolved that notice be given of our intention to pay off £1500 on 4th Novr. 1904. Resolved that the Ground Committee with Mr. Wright go into the question of altering office & report. Resolved that Murray be not reengaged & that the minimum transfer be £100. Cox Resolved that Messrs Baxter, Davies & Kelly be empowered to approach Liverpool with a view to securing the transfer of Cox with unlimited powers. Thorburn Mr. Clayton read letter re. this centre (J. P.) forward & it was resolved that Messrs Clayton, Wright, Secretary & Elliott go North tomorrow. Common The secretary was instructed to ask of Sheffield would transfer Common. Mr. Ewan Secretary reported that £150 transfer was fixed & same was confirmed & the Chairman given power to alter same. The motion to enter Reserve team in the