The Secretary reported that the payment
of wages on Saturday the 30th inst. would
make the 53rd payment this year & it
was resolved to pay same as usual.
Nomads The Secretary read statement of receipts
& expenses Nomads v Leicester Fosse &
he was instructed to say that we would
waive our claim to percentage.
Simmonds This W. B. A. player it was resolved
to keep in view.
Ivor Owen Resolved that this player have another
Turnbull Dundee to be kept in view also
mortgage Mr. Mahon gave notice that he would
move that notice be given to the mortgagees
of our intention to further reduce the
Office Mr. Wright gave notice that he would
move that the office be rebuilt.
Murray Dr. Whitford gave notice that he would
move the reconsideration of Murray.
The Secretary was instructed to ask
for £200 compensation from M'chester City.
League The following players were placed on the
Lists retained list:-
Abbott Walter Bucknall George
Balmer Wm. Clayton Robert
Balmer John Cooke H. E.
Balmer Robert Campbell H. W.
Bennett J. Clark Charles
Brown A. Cowell W.
Booth Tom Coupe A. E.
Brown Charles Crelley John
Brearley John Chadwick Thomas