visit Port Sunlight on Saturday the 16th inst. to see Slavin & Evans play. The Secretary reported that Balmer W., Crelley J., A. Young, J. Sheridan & McDermott at £4 had signed : that the following players wished some information as to benefits viz. Settle, Sharp, Abbott, Kitchen & Taylor : that Makepeace wanted £3.10/- O'Hagan £3.10/- Dilly £2 & £3 Chadwick 50/- W. Wildman 50/- & that Booth & Wolstenholme & R. Balmer deferred their decision. Resolved that the following terms be offered:- Chadwick 35/- & £2 Makepeace O'Hagan & Dilly as before & Wildman 50/-. Rickarby An application from this player for a trial was granted v Padiham. The Secretary was instructed to send P/O for 10/6 to the Stenhousemuir Club. Heyes Resolved that this player be not proceeded with further. Morton Mr. Clayton recommending this player Kilmarnock it was decided to keep him in view. Transfer of H. E. Gandy to E. A. Bainbridge Shares Three shares 436/438 passed. Mr. Coates gave notice that he would propose that a donation be sent to the Colne F. C. in aid of the player who was injured in the match this evening. Hospital The Secretary read a letter of thanks S'day fund for favours granted.