notify the clubs of the League that we were of opinion that the present rule as to Wages & bonus was a failure & that we would be prepared to concur in a proposal for its alteration. The Secretary was instructed to inform the F. A. that we were of opinion that Messrs Bye & Morton did not display that efficiency necessary in a referee in important matches. Simpson requested permission to resume his cricket engagement early in April & this was granted on the understanding that his remuneration would cease. Resolved that W. McAdam be offered an engagement until the end of the Season at £1 per week. Resolved that a sum not exceeding £7 be advanced to McDermott to pay off his outstanding liabilities. The Secretary reported that he had written Manchester City F. C. claiming compensation by reason of the postponement of the league match from Apl. 23 to 25th & his action was approved. Milligan Mr. Coates reported that Milligan of Swindon was a good man. Resolved we offer Herbert Heyes left back a trial. Transfer of W. H. Kelly to B. Kelly Shares Six shares 1678-1683 Passed Wm. Ashcroft to Geo. Hooton 2 part paid 704/5 & one fully paid 2179 Passed.