[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park March 29 1904.] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon, Whitford, & Wright. Minutes of Two meetings were read & confirmed. Reports by Mr. Mahon on League match. by trainers, by Doctor, by Elliott on his visit to Scotland, by Dr. Baxter, Mr. Kirkwood & Dr. Whitford on visit to Belfast & Dublin & by Mr. Davies on Hanlin were made & read. It was decided that the Board conduct any further negotiations with respect to Scott & McCracken. Team v Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Wolstenholme, L'pool Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Young, McDermott, Hardman. v Wolves Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Settle, McDermott, Hardman. v Wednesday To be selected after Saturday's game. v Turton Whitley, Gordon, Murray, Chadwick, Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Sheridan, Roberts, O'Hagan, Simpson. v L'pool Whitley, Wildman, Murray, Hanlin, Chadwick, R. Balmer, Rankin, Sheridan, Roberts, O'Hagan, Corrin. Resolved that the Secretary offer Hanlin an engagement at £2 per week until the end of the Season & that he be paid £5 bonus & a salary for next season of £2.0 in summer & £2.10 winter. The Secretary to go in charge to Turton. Mr. Mahon moved & it was resolved that we