[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park March 15th 1904.] Present Dr. Baxter (chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon & Wright. Minutes of last two meetings read & confirmed. Reports By trainer & Doctor were made & read. The Secretary was instructed to ask reason for Settle's absence. The Secretary reported on the match v Sunderland & he was instructed to ask the Management Committee to refrain from appointing Mr. Bye to referee in our League matches. The Secretary reported his visit to Sheffield, the arrangement with Sheffield Wednesday for the playing of the postponed League match on Easter Monday, his arrangement with L'pool to play our Combination match at Anfield on Easter Monday Morning at 11 am & that the two Combination Gates be pooled, & his offer of our ground for a semi final on the 19th inst. & his actions were approved Messrs Kelly & Coates reported on the Combination match v North End. Mr. Bainbridge reported re the Internatl. at Belfast that Scott, McCracken & McCartney (left back) were very good & that Sheridan was poor. Resolved that a deputation visit Bangor on Monday next. Team v Whitley, Wildman, R. Balmer, Chadwick, Rossendale Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Sheridan.