[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park March 1st 1904] Present G. Mahon Esq. (Chair) Messrs Baxter, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Minutes The Minutes of 4 meetings were read & confirmed. The Secretary read statement of receipts & expenditure re Cup Tie showing balance of £407.9.4 due to Tottenham & a cheque for that amount was directed to be sent. Reports The Trainer made his weekly report. The Doctors report was read. Reports on League & Combination matches were made. The action of the Secretary in arranging with the Villa for Saturday next at Goodison Park in terms of half gross Gate with a guarantee of £50 was approved. The Loan of Two pounds to McDermott was approved: this player appeared before the Board, admitted the charge of intoxication was informed that he had forfeited the sum of £24 standing to his credit was suspended for a week from Thursday last & informed that the decision of the Board as to the allocation of the moneys forfeited depended on his future conduct & that he must at once take the pledge. Team v Villa Kitchen, Gordon, Crelley, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Sharp, McDermott, Young, Rankin, H. P. Hardman. v Black Lane Whitley, Wildman, Murray, Clayton, Chadwick