[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
	February 2nd 1904.]

Present		Dr. Baxter (chair) Messrs Coates,
		Davies, Kirkwood, Mahon & Whitford.
		Mr. Kelly away on Co. business.

Minutes		of two meetings read & confirmed.

Toman		The transfer of Toman to Stockport
		County on the terms recited in their letter
		was confirmed.

Whitley		The Secretary was instructed to ascertain
		how Whitley was progressing.

Sheridan	The Chairman & Secretary were deputed
		to see Sheridan & report.

Reports		by Assistant trainer on League match
		at Middlesbro, at Blackpool & by Doctor
		made & read.

Team v		Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Wolstenholme,
Tottenham St.	Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Settle, McDermott,
		H. P. Hardman.

Darwen F. C.	The Secretary reported that Darwen
		had made a claim for £3.10.0 for reporting
		match & that he had denied liability & his
		action was approved.

Saul		The Secretary was instructed to make the
		necessary arrangements for seeing this
		player perform at Burnley on the 20th inst.
		Mr. Coates volunteered to go.

Sandy Brown	Resolved this right back of Gordon Highlanders
		have an early trial.

Sheridan &	Resolved these players have permission
O'Hagan		to play for Ireland on 12th prox. if selected.

McDermott	Resolved that Dr. Larkin's a/c of £2.2.0 be