[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel January 26 1904] Dated Feby. 3 1904 Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford, Wright. Messrs Kelly & Mahon away on Club business. Reports by trainer, by Chairman on North & South match, by Secretary on Lanc. Cup tie & on Darwen match were made & Drs. report read. v Middlesbro Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Settle, McDermott & H. P. Hardman, R. Balmer to accompany team. v Heywood Dent, Gordon, Murray, Clayton, Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Sheridan, Young, O'Hagan, Corrin, Dilly reserve. The Chairman was requested to see the Combination team on Thursday on their display on Monday. Directors to Middlesbro Messrs Kelly & Coates. L'pool Cup tie Cheques for £219.6.5 & £100 were ordered to be sent to L'pool F. C. & L'pool & Distr. F. A. respectively. Saul The Secretary was instructed to obtain particulars re this player. Feby. 3rd 1904 James C. Baxter