team & Rovers on Saturday next or in mid week. Team Whitley, Henderson, R. Balmer, Chadwick, Russell, Makepeace, Rankin, Sheridan, Dilly, O'Hagan & Corrin. Director with Mr. Bainbridge. 2nd team Lester Memorial Resolved that the application for Fund permission to collect be declined. P. A. Society Resolved that the application for use of ground for Police Sports on July 2nd be granted on Similar terms to last year. North v South Resolved that Messrs Bainbridge & Kirkwood accompany Settle to Plumstead. Special In consequence of the unanimous desire training of the players it was decided that they go into training at Blackpool on Monday next & go to Middlesbro on Friday instead of Thursday : the following players to go with Mr. Kelly in charge. Abbott, Balmer, Balmer R., Booth, Crelley, Corrin, Kitchen, Makepeace, McDermott, Rankin, Sharp, Settle, Taylor, Wolstenholme & Young. Toman Resolved that Toman have a free transfer to any club outside Lancashire. Owen (Valkyrie) Resolved this player have an early trial. The Secretary reported the receipt of £50 from Blackpool F. C. for transfer of McEwan. The Secretary reported that the Lord Mayor hoped to be present on Saturday next. McDermott The question of medical fees of Mrs. McDermott was left with the Chairman, Next meeting at 4.15 on Tuesday at Bradford Hotel.