		& it was decided that the team go to Redcar
		on the 28th inst. for the Middlesbro match
		& return from Middlesbro to training
		quarters at Blackpool.

Income &	The Secretary presented a comparative
Ex. a/c		Income & Expenditure a/c for year ending
		December 31 1903.

Next meeting	Tuesday at Bradford Hotel at 4.15.

W. Toman	The Secretary having read a letter from
		W. Toman addressed to the Chairman
		it was decided that the letter do lie
		on the table & that the Secretary reply
		to Toman to that effect.

Jan 19 1904		James C. Baxter

[Minutes of Meeting of Directors held at Bradford
		Hotel Jany. 19th 1904]

Present		Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge,
		Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood,
		Mahon, Whitford & Wright.

Minutes		of last two meetings were read &

Reports		by Doctor were made, also by trainer
		also on League & Combination matches.

Director's box	The Secretary was instructed to have
		the box renovated.

Team v		Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Wolstenholme,
Villa		Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Settle,
		McDermott & Hardman.

Lanc. Cup tie	Resolved we play our Combination