[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel
January 12 1904.]
Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Clayton, Coates,
Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon, Whitford
& Wright.
Reports by trainer & Doctor made & read.
The Chairman reported that Corrin had
been seen drunk last evening & it was
decided to make similar arrangements
as with McDermott except that £1 per
week be retained.
Team v Newcastle Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Wolstenholme,
United Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Settle,
McDermott, Hardman or Simpson.
Reserves Balmer & Makepeace.
v M'chester U. Whitley, Gordon, Murray, Wildman,
Russell, Chadwick, Rankin, Sheridan,
Young, O'Hagan, Dilly.
Directors to Newcastle Messrs Mahon & Whitford.
Villa match The Secretary was instructed to extend
an invitation to the Lord Mayor & party for
this match.
Dilly An application from Dundee for this player
being read resolved he be offered for £150.
Alterations to The Secretary having reported the receipt
Ground &c of tenders for railings &c. it was resolved
that the Ground Committee be vested with the
necessary powers to have the work done & also
to do what is necessary with the sanitary
Training for The Secretary reported visit of self Mr. Kelly
Cup tie & self to Blackpool & that they had arranged
to board at Crescent Private Hotel North Shore
at £2 each per week & their action was confirmed.